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Universal language

Updated: May 23

I was awake early again today. Just can't break that in me I guess. I had a walk down to the waterfront where I saw the fish mongers with their wares, the ferry taking people to an island that was just a quick hop, and past the church were Vasco de Gama was buried.

I was to meet my friend Parvity for brunch today, but I needed something to start the day, so I had some watermelon juice (which is served everywhere here) and a South Indian specialty poori bhaji which is bread and curry. No filter coffee here, but they at least have the French press coffee.

I did my Greek study by the pool and did some journaling before I set out for Kashi art kage. found it easily and I was early so I got a coffee while I waited. Parvity found me and ordered a coconut drink. They harvest coconuts here before they get all badly in the outside, slice open the top and drink the milk out with a straw. I'm sure it's a good way to maintain electrolytes in this climate. It is more humid here so even Parvity is bothered by it!

We both got the avocado toast which came with a side of mushrooms and two sliced of tofu. She immediately scraped hers off. "I don't like tofu!" I enjoyed mine. They seem a little surprised that I'm not a big meat eater, and I'm surprised at how much meat they eat.

She took me to some shops where she knew the owners. At the first, I got a few things but nothing crazy. However, at the second shop she left me unattended. In away it was like a revival service where they keep finding a way to keep you there until they get what eu want from you. After making my purchases, I asked where I could get a lime water. Oh they will get one for me.

The one salesman was telling me how he was from Kashmir and the police had picked him up off the street and beat him. So, his father sent him south. I asked if he would finish school now, but he doesn't think that is in his destiny. He was also all scraped up from being hit on his motorcycle the day before. He wasn't wearing a helmet and people who saw the accident thought he would be seriously i jures. Again, he was philosophical and said it was not his time to die.

From there, we got on to my ex-husband's suicide, the girls, and yoga. Turns out they have wonderful cotton yoga mats and I had to have one of those as well. Then he brought out a beautiful hand hammered bowl that is used for meditation. Yep, I had to have me one of those two. Not to mention some jewelry. But I had told myself I could buy some nice jewelry here if the opportunity presented itself. I just hope those are real amethysts in the tennis bracelet I got.

I did decline in any of the bedspreads. None of them were hitting the mark. And I finally did get out of the store. They were to deliver the items to my hotel later. That how bad it was.

So I had my hands free to go to other stores. I did find a bed spread with elephants that I liked. And another Christmas present. It's been hard to find anything for my brother, but here I did.

Then I wanted to have a cup of tear at Teapot as the guidebook recommended. I found it ok and sat down with the menu onot to realize they are cash only and I was low on rupees. The owner waved to me as I left. They take no offense. said I don't have enough cash and he told me where there was an ATM.

That was a hot walk in the sun. Only to find that machine would not take my card. I did see a beautiful chur h on the way. Plan B was to trudge down another road that had been blakctooped and was seriously generating heat. Fortunately, it wasn't far and that ATM would take my card. So about 20 minutes later, I was back to Teapot.

I had a lovely cardamon read and a slice of Orange cake. It was the little pick me up I needed. I doubled back to the church before it closed. The Santa Cruz Basilica dates to 1505 but the current structure was built in 1902. There is a lot more Christianity here due to the cornered colonizers the Portuguese, Dutch, and British. I didn't see any Hindu temples along the street.

On the way back to the hotel, I dropped into a grocery store. I am always interested in what other countries have. And it is always funny to see things like Kellog's cornflakes intermingled with say all of their canned milk products for which we have no US equivalent. I didn't stay long because it was small and crowded and it smelled like poop.

Then I went back to my hotel to relax by the pool for awhile. It's not much a pool but big enough to swim back and forth a bit even though it is only three feet deep. That felt good.

After resting, I decided to walk down to the beach to see if I could catch the sunset. Indeed I could and lots of other people were there doing the same. It was kind of a party there. Lots of people having Ice cream, a guy singing, and a guy giving pony rides on what was probably a miniature horse.

From there it was back to my hotel to shower and dress for dinner at David Hall art gallery which had been recommended to me by Parvity. The art was interesting and the dinner was good.

And o finished the day reflecting on how shopping and sunsets are universal. No matter where you go, if there is a good venue for shopping or sunsets, people will be there.

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