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On the water

Updated: May 23

Most people who come to Allepy plan to go on a house boat. While that looked nice, I was more interested in having a more down to earth, or shall I say, water experience. Prasad, my intrepid driver, found a place. But first I told him I needed an ATM and another scan disk for my camera.

The ATM was easy enough to find but the disk was a little more challenging. The first store he took me to only sold phone accessories but they said there was a place down the street. That store did not have them on the floor, but the person in charge said yes. 10 minutes. Ok. Then as he leaves the store, he says five minutes and he hops on his motorbike and takes off.

I sit quietly in a chair not even on my phone. Before I left home, I told myself time moves differently in India and I have to be prepared to wait patiently. Because I know fidgeting and pressing sometimes makes people take longer just because they can. And I try really hard not to be the ugly American. But to my surprise, it really was like five minutes and he had exactly what I needed.

The it was off to kayak. We pull up at what looks like someone's house. And they are all set to take me--getting the dry bag and life vest, but then they say someone else is coming. I sat down to wait. As the heat I tensified, I felt sleepy so I laid down on my life vest. They were horrified and showed me to a bedroom on the first floor with a ceiling fan. I'm like it's fine. I've learned here that when I get tired, I sleep.

Soon the others arrived -- two young Indian men. They were friends from college and every year they have a trip together. This year they had just rented a bike and were winging it instead of meticulously planning as the normally do. They had never kayaked before and the one guy did struggle a bit. But it was flat water kayaking and once we got out of the channel that was clogged with what I'm calling water cabbages, we just had to stay out of the way of the houseboats.

There are islands and channels and we went down a channel between two islands. Of course there were birds, egrets and herons, but also people. The women were washing their clothes in the already polluted water. And then slapping them on a rock repeatedly before moving in to the next piece. The guide told me thy also wash their plates and utensils in the water.

Then one man made a show of leaning over, scooping up some water, and using it to gargle before he spit it out. It was like he wanted to show us people who have money to hire kayaks that they may be poor but they are bad ass. I can't imagine what kinda of chemicals and bacteria, those people

must have in their bodies. It was a very clear reminder that there are many people who face extreme poverty and hardships. I recognize that I am having a very priviledged experience here.

Of course, there was the requisite stop for a refreshment. On an island seemingly in the middle of nowhere, we pull in and our leader is taking orders for tea or coffee. The one guy who was struggling a bit with kayaking asked for a beer. The guide laughed and said not. He had gotten out of his kayak and he was completely soaked. The other one was smoking in his kayak.

He asked me where I worked and I said ServiceNow. He's impressed and say his company uses it. What company--just small one like Maerst one of the larger shipping companies in the world. That was cool thought. 14 years ago when I started at SerciceNow, people said Service who? Now we are a known entity. Small world and all that.

We paddled by a house boat that was being repaired, so naturally, I had to ask questions. They use all natural materials such as coconut fiber, teak, and jackfruit tree wood. It's then woven and tied together to make the thatched roofs.

After kayaking, I was pretty beat by the sun and the heat, so I had lunch, a shower and a nap. I also got in the pool for awhile and a white glowenopened while I was sitting there! I had an afternoon coffeed because it owas going to be busy night at work so I needed to be on my game.

At lunch, I asked the waiter for the recipe for the lime juice I had. Seeet lime, some water, and fresh ginger. So yummy, it was a nice light mocktail. I also had a non Indian selection of a salad no pose. I was craving fresh vegetables.

A large group arrived earlier in the day. I think they were Italian. They were loud and pushy. (Sorry my Italian friends but you know who you are). There was a dance demonstration for them, which I was able to  crash.

For dinner, I had kebabs from the tandoori oven which weren't quite what I was expecting, but the green curry with mint said was refreshing There was a plot twist at dinner when the waiter got friendlier and was asking about my marital status. I'm thinking you are about 30 years too late. No, I'm not giving you my Instagram. I had work calls, so I made good my escape in my typical, slppery

Pisces fashion.

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