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Updated: May 23

Saturday, I planned to sleep on and have a lazy morning. However, I awoke at 6:30, so had a walk before it got hot and then returned to the hotel for my regular morning routine. Akshaya texted that she would arrive around 1:30'tontake my to Mylapore. There is a very famous temple there as well as a lot of street vendors and other shops.

We visited a nice jewelry store first--like the ones you see on Indian Matchmaking but not quite as high end because they only dealt with silver or gold plated silver. Gold is VERY expensive here. I got a pair of earrings for myself and a Christmas present for someone else. :). The street vendor wares did not inspire me except for the HH and made ceramics, but I certainly don't need anything that heavy in my bag.

From there we went into some Very old stores in very old buildings that seem all kinda of brass and others tchotchkes. I got some more Christmas presents there and a bell that I can use at the end of my yoga classes in case anyone falls asleep during svasana. Also, since I purchased some Incense burners, we went across the street to a store that specializes in incense.

When we got to the temple, a woman was drawing a rongola out of service to the deities of which there are many on this temple. It's is closed until 4 pm and then mobbed by locals. Same with a literal hole in the wall restaurant from which wonderful smells emitted. However, Akshaya recommended I not eat there because it would probably. NOt set well with my Western stomach.

The next street over had tons of fruit and vegetable vendors. Who knew there are at least five kinds of bananas including red ones? (And not plaintains) Akshaya said the red bananas are like a meal on and of themselves but to wait and try them when I get to Kerala because they are a specialty there.

Then she took me to what looked like just a news stand, but it is also the best place to get rose milk, which is just what it is. Milk infused with rose water. I can see why it is so popular because, as they say on the Agreat British Baking show, rose flavor is tricky because if you over do it, it is like drinking perfume. This was just right.

From there we took an auto, to a coffee shop/restaurant where Akshaya is a regular and she was greeted as such. We got some Specialty dosas and some savory donuts, which I forget the name. We completed the meal with a filter coffee that come in a metal cup sitting in a metal saucer. The process is you pour the whole cup into the saucer and then pour small amounts back into the cup to drink it.

We started to walk back to my hotel from there, but it started to pour so we took another auto to another coffee shop that she wanted to show me. After the rain let up, we walked back to the hotel and she also showed me the Black Orchid, a nice place to eat and get a cocktail.

As a young person, I'm sure Akshaya had some fun plans for Saturday night. I returned to my room to finish packing and watching the finale of the baking show where there was a surprise winner. I wanted to make it an early night so I could be rested for my early start.

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