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Come Sail away with me

Updated: May 23

It was an early morning for my sailing lesson at 8:30. I was hoping to take out a Sunfish to mimic the Minifish that I have but sadly their Sunfishes were not on good repair so we took a small catamaran. My instructor was a young man from St Kitts who gave me some of the local color. The empty condos that people bought for a Nevis passport because they have been banned for travel from their native country. Or tax evasion.

We had good wind that was pretty consistent. I was not competent or strong enough to steer and manage the sail. My injured foot wasn't helping me be very mobile when we came about. So Nick managed the sail. We sailed from the club around Boobie island -- named for the birds on it or because it looks like a Boobie, along the coast of St Kitts, past the club and lopped back.

Bonus -- we saw sea turtles. The first was just kind of a solace but then I saw them swimming and their bright white heads popping up. I left my phone on shore, so sadly no photos.

After the lesson, I was ready to get out of the sun and for lunch. Nick said the Indian place was excellent but the Yachtsman Grill had a great view. I decided to go to the Grill then the beach and double back to the Indian restaurant to get take out for dinner so I didn't have to go out once I got "home."

The food at the grill was indifferent but their homemade ginger beer was good and the view was great. They also had a couple resident kitty cats.

At the beach, I had a nice swim and a walk. I finally found some seashells!

Then my plan unraveled as the Indian restaurant closes for the afternoon and reopens. Bah. I threw myself onthe mercy of the French restaurant as it was on the way home. They didn't usually do take out, but they made an exception and I brought back a portabella special.

I got back to the hotel and laid by the pool for a bit. All the sun and wind sailing and on the scooter, I was done in. I had my dinner around 5:30 supplementing with some yogurt I had on hand and some of Shirley's ginger biscuits. I read the entertaining mystery novel for a bit but I gave up the ghost shortly after 7:30 and went to bed.

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