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Battle of Attrition

Updated: Aug 14, 2023

Today I was able to spend some time on the battlefield at Vicksburg. Similar to Gettsyburg, it covered a large area and was close to a city. Vicksburg was key to both the Union and the Confederates to have control of the Mississippi River. Both Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln were very cognizant of that.

To Confederate President Jefferson Davis, Vicksburg was the "nailhead that holds the South's two halves together." President Abraham Lincoln remarked, “Vicksburg is the key! The war can never be brought to a close until that key is in our pocket.”

The Union should have had the clear advantage as their troops way out numbered those of the Confederates, but the battle turned into a 47 day siege before General Pemberton surrendered. By that time, rations were low, soldiers were suffering from exposure and civilians were living in caves and eating rats to survive. Pemberton still refused to unconditional surrender and after consideration Grant agreed to parole the southern soldiers.

As you drive around the battlefield which is a beautiful hilly area, there are way more blue signs showing Union positions than red one showing Confederate positions. At the time of the battle, this was clear farm land. Since that time, trees have returned but I swear one tree looked like it had been there in 1863!

Missouri had troop positions in blue and in red! It was admitted to the union in 1862 with the Missouri compromise -- they could be a slave state and Maine entered as a free state. Missouri also never officially left the union, but that didn't stop many from enlisting in the Confederate army as well as the Union army. Talk about a war of brother against brother.

The battlefield is one of the best marked, however, it did lose about 20% of its ground when the I20 was constructed. Near my hotel at a Circle K there is a Union placard marker. It's overwhelming and you can't stop at them all, but I took a few shots including one of the Minnesota marker. I don't believe my native Delaware had any troops in the battle.

I had a tamale supreme for lunch and went to Walnut Hills restaurant for dinner. Its in a lovely old mansion and the food was adequate. I was disappointed because they had crab cakes all over the menu, but there were out of them!!!

It was 88 degrees and Buddha did not want to get out of the car to walk to any of the markers. I, however, ever intrepid popping in and out of the car and I happened on some fire ants, which was not fun.

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