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Back to Chennai

Updated: May 23

It was another early start to catch a plane back to Chennai. I was up early as usual when I have to fly because I stress over being late. I had time for yoga and a 30 minute walk. I snapped a photo of a load of pavers that arrived across the street the day before. A truck pulled up lat Sunday afternoon and a bunch of guys worked u til dark to get all of them unloaded while the truck was blocking one lane of traffic. But as is the case here, that did not infuriate drivers, they just worked around it.

After a quick shower, I was ready. No hotel breakfast this morning because they don't start serving until 7:30. The hotel clerk was having issues printing my bill and I felt like saying just reboot your computer! But I don't think he would have understood.

Bill sorted the next stop was an ATM to get cash to pay Prasad. The machine refused to disepense the full amount needed in one transaction, so three transactions later, I had all the cash I needed. Then it was one more topsy turvy ride to the airport. Prasad procured a cart which are free here and I snapped a quick selfie and I was off.

I had a little confusion finding the ticket counter but finally figure it out. Then my friend Parvity found me and got in line behind me. I had prepaid for my extra bag so that went smoothly. Security stopped me because at Kochi airport they require you to take all cables and cords out of you bag. By now, I'm really wanting a filter coffee but I'm not going to pay 190 rupees at the airport when previous paid as much as 60 and as low as 15. I settled for an Americano at a faux Starbucks and still overpaid.

This time they boarded the first ten rows and then boarded from the back like in the "olden" days before everyone is trying to bring all their bags on board so they don't have to pay for them. Indians seem to be able to get by with a lot less than Americans. I'm guessing they are a lot better at aparigarh, or non hoarding was we talk about in yoga. By now, I'm certainly wishing I had traveled lighter.

I am not sure what brought me good luck, but my initial seat assignment was 27B a middle seat. When I got my boarding pass I was in A12 an exit row. Sweet. The flight attendant was very emphatic about the directions and even wen through how to open the door which I wish they would do on the US. It's one thing to be willing. It's another to figure it out under pressure.

It was a short and uneventful flight, which is the best kind. Parvity and I parted ways after retrieving our bags and finding my driver. He left me and the bags in the pick up area while he retrieved the car. And it is a pick up area. I had at least 10 offers for cars, taxis, or autos while I waited. I also observed a dog sleeping the midst of this mayhem. Why pick here to live, I wondered.

I was welcomed back at the hotel and even got my same room. back. I did really miss the staff I had gotten to know even if this hotel is not as luxe as the others. They certainly have food that is on par with any of the other places I stayed.

It was time for a nap and the into the office at 6.

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