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Updated: May 23

The second leg of the trip went well--mostly because I slept better and longer. The food on AirFrance was better too. Deltas food has way too much salt--as if flying wasn't dehydrating enough on its own. Even airline bread on AirFrance is good!

We had a tail wind and arrived about 15 minutes ahead of schedule. As I deplaned, I could feel the heat and I was way over dressed with a long sleeve shirt over a thick camisole, long pants and knee high compression socks, which were great by the way. I cleared immigration with no issues and then everyone had to go through a mine to get their bags scanned. I shed my long sleeve shirt while in line and it was still very warm. Meanwhile, I'm surrounded by Indians wearing light down jackets!!!

There were two customs desks but no one was directing anyone to them, so I decided to keep walking. I felt like It was a don't ask, don't tell situation. I found the bathroom and decided to tie my shirt around my neck, to cover my décolletage a bit. My host told me southern India is not as conservative as the north, but I did. It want to push my luck. I did get some glances anyway.

I thought the carousel for our luggage had been changed so I was waiting at the wrong one for some time. Once I went to the correct carousel, I found my bag no problem. The day I left, Apple News thought it appropriate to share an NPR story about how two million bags get lost every year. Not helpful.

I thought I was on to my hotel quickly. A driver was supposed to be waiting for me with a sign. However, I scanned all of the signs closely and did not see mine. I attempted to call the driver but no one was answering. Then I tried to call my friend and her number would. It go through.

Ok, she told me Uber was ok to use so I asked an airport worked where to go and he said across the airport road to Starbucks. I did not realize that IS the Uber pick up area until after I put in my pick up request and was explaining to the driver via messaging where I was.

While crossing the road, I had multiple taxi drivers offering me rides and stray dogs--one with a limp. This is not a good place for people who are softhearted for animals, which I am, so I will have to steel myself not to want to bring them all home.

I got My Uber pick up no problem and off we went. Even more so than when I used to go to Long Island for work, horn honking is a necessity here and lanes are totally optional. They drive on the "wrong" side of the road and and regularly cut one another off. If they ever start having road rage here, it will greatly reduce the population.

The driver pulled up to what loooked like a residence, and I said this can't be right. There was no signage to indicate a hotel. I gave him the hotel number to call, but that did. It seem to help. I had emailed my friend some updates when I could. It reach her via phone. Once she read them and saw that I had left the airport on my own, she called.

It was a very bad connection, and I had her talk to the driver. They arranged she would meet us. She arrived shortly with her brother and they took me to the hotel, which was exactly where the driver had wanted to drop me off.

Akshaya went through the gate to reception and directed her brother to park. I got checked in and pair for theee nights in advance before he took me and the bags up to my room. Alshaya left and we arranged to meet up after I woke up.

The suite has a room with a desk, a bathroom, and a bedroom. It is rather spartan but clean. I had one last issue for the evening which was no TP. I called the front desk and he arrived shortly with two rolls.

After unpacking a bit to wind down, I was happy to put my head down and go to sleep.

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