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Updated: May 23

This morning, I awoke at 4:30 and could not get back to sleep. Probably too much caffeine last night in order to stay up for calls! As soon as it was light, around 6:30, I ventured out to walk before it got hot.

Yeah that is funny because I was sweating almost immediately We had rain and another thunder storm overnight so some areas were a bit tricky. I stopped to talk to a man I had seen two days ago. He has two German shepherds and a husky. (Why in this climate?!). The older German shepherd sat down and did not want to move. It was such a Buddha move. He said she doesn't like to walk when it is wet, and he has to bribe her by telling her she gets to visit her friend Theo. I'm not sure if that is another dog or a human! I failed to get a photo--next time.

The mosquitos here are stealth. They do not announce themselves with annoying buzzing nor are they very big. I didn't realize how many times I got bit until I got to my room. I never thought I would welcome the annoying hum of a mosquito. Must remember to put on repellent!

As I am feeling better, I'm finally catching up on work and I hope to get to that shopping today. However, it is raining again now, so that will have to wait.

During a break in the rain, I ventured up to the shop my friend recommended which is the same building as a nice cafe. I found the shop keepers are not pushy, but once you ask for help, they engage. I tried on a variety of items. I had the same issues I often have in the US, sleeves not long enough, shoulders too tight. One challenge Inhave not had before, although may come as no surprise to some of you, my head was too big to get into one top.

After making my selections, I headed up stairs and had a lovely lunch of beet root salad and a sweet lime juice. The lime juice wasn't tart at all but nor did it have much flavor unfortunately. Another unfortunate occurrence was more rain. I tried to wait it out, but it was getting dark and I needed to walk home. I had to wade through some large puddles as the storm drainage here just can't handle the amount of water they get.

I got all dressed to go into the office to work as Akshaya has reserved a conference room for me for the duration of my stay. I was eager to show off my new, localized look. But alas, it just keep raining and we both decided it was prudent for me to stay in and work from here again. I later saw on the news that schools closed for Thursday due to water.

I took back to back to back calls as "my" desk in the dining room where I have become a regular fixture late at night. I had hoped to end the evening finishing the most recent episode of the British Baking Show, but those plans were also thrwarted due to extremely slow network speed. I expect my favorite, Tasha, will get some home this week because she seems to be cracking under pressure, but that remains to be seen.

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